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Client-side SetValue and Server-side UpdateCell

We have a simple web page with two text fields, a button control at the top and a webgrid underneath.  Users enter data into the text fields, press the buton and the data is either Inserted/Updated in the grid using the client side AddRow() event attached to the button.  As well, there is server side logic attached to the webgrid's UpdateCell() event which we always want to fire asynchronously so we can refresh some additional grid fields related to the row that is being Inserted/Updated.

For some reason, the server side UpdateCell() event is only being called when a we Insert a row and not when we Update a row.   We've tried placing the webgrid in both the UpdatePanel and WARP controls and the same result. 

Is there some reason why just updating an existing cell value in the webgrid is not causing an async call to our UpdateCell() method while adding a new row is?


Here is the main logic of our AddRow() javascript method...

if (newRecord == true)
//INSERT new record  (UpdateCell() method is called after this logic)
var row = grid.Rows.addNew();
//UPDATE existing record (UpdateCell() method is not called after this logic)


Thanks in advance