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XamWebGriddo not Rebinding When i changed itemsource binding


I have a property :

Protected WithEvents m_TabDetailDomainDataSource As DomainDataSource

Public ReadOnly Property TabDetailData()
            If m_TabDetailDomainDataSource IsNot Nothing Then
                Return m_TabDetailDomainDataSource.Data
            End If
            Return Nothing
        End Get
    End Property

And XamWebGrid:

<igGrid:XamWebGrid x:Name="grdDetail" ItemsSource="{Binding TabDetailData}"/>

When m_TabDetailDomainDataSource.Data have any row, grid binding ok.
when i reload data and m_TabDetailDomainDataSource.Data have not any row, grid do not have layout. Why?

If i define any column in xam,

 it throw exception
