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Webcombo in a Ultrawebgrid displays the ID and not the text


 I am using a ajax enabled webcombo to accept input values from the user inside the ultraweb grid. Now when the webcombo has less than 50 records (I have set the maxrows to 50) then the display value in the grid cell is the text which is as required. Now when the total number of records in the recordset is more than 50 and if the display value is not present in the webcombo while binding the data to the grid (as the rest would be loaded only on demand), the ID is displayed rather than the text. How do i correct this.

In similar way when a user search for value using the type ahead feature in the same webcombo, the values are displayed properly as required, but after the save action is performed and when the grid is rebound, only the text value which is available in the prev filtered webcombo is displayed and the rest values whould be only Ids.

 Any sort of input on this would be of great help.



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  • 50


    I'm experiencing the same problem.

    In my case I could solve my problem by increasing the number of fetched rows to 100, but I don't know how to do it.

    How can I set the "maxrows" parameter?


    Thanks for help. Regards,


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