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Dynamic Html DropDown in UltraWebGrid does not expand.

I have a UltraWebGrid with dynamically created HtmlDropDown in one of the columns.

DropDown is created fine with no errors. DropDown does not drop or expand.

Dropdown data has a link which is supposed to open a new window and that does not work either.

I removed the link part and created  a simple html input downdown.

same code works fine with version 2005 vol2. does not work with 2008 vol 1 and 2008 vol 3.

here is the code...




































Dim sb As New StringBuilder

' Create the SELECT (dropdown) object HTML text

sb.Append("&nbsp;<select ")


sb.Append("FONT-SIZE: 8pt;")

sb.Append("FONT-FAMILY: Arial;")

sb.Append("HEIGHT: 9px;WIDTH: 100px'")

sb.Append("HEIGHT: 10px;WIDTH: 100px'")

‘sb.Append(" onchange='ShowRemarks(this.value);'")

sb.Append(">" )

' starting constructing the dropdown

sb.Append("<option value='-' selected>" )

 sb.Append(SH.AR (intLineIdx).Misc (0).RCode)

sb.Append("<option value=01>01</option>" )

sb.Append("</option>" )

sb.Append("<option value='-'>--------------------</option>" )

sb.Append("<option value=02>02</option>"


' BEGIN creating OPTION object HTML text for each remark code

'Dim ClR As QB.ClR

''For Each ClR In ClR

'For Each ClR In SH.AR(intLineIdx).Misc

' sb.Append("<option value='")

' sb.Append(ClR.RCode)

' sb.Append("|")

' sb.Append(oTblWS.Rows(intLineIdx).Item(0).ToString)

' sb.Append("'")

' sb.Append(">")

' sb.Append(ClR.RCode)

' sb.Append("</option>")


' END creating OPTION object HTML text for each remark code

sb.Append(“</select>" )

any help would be appreciated. thanks.