Sorry I'm looking for help about this issue:
I need to put values in an ActiveCell of my windows opener , from a pop-up.
Usually, I'm using objOtherGridRow.getCell(18).setValue(objLocalGridRow.getCell(0).getValue()) , where 18 is my cell to set new value.It's working, but, I need to set cell number dynamically , take active cell from opener windows and set it with new value from my pop-up windows.
I appreciate your help in advance !
Hello ado, thanks a lot .
You are helpful for me.
Thank you again
I would like to point out in your attention the CSOM (Client side object model) on the following link;
CSOM Here you can see all properties of cell object Cell there you can get the Column reference..
Hello ,
Thanks for the suggestion ! Little thing, Could help me how to get cell name also ?
Thanks again
Can you check out the code below:
8 <script type="text/javascript">
9 function getMaintWindow() {
10 //Get a reference to the window
11 //that has opended the popUp window.
12 var mainWindow = window.opener;
13 //Invoke the function
14 //form the opener window
15 //in our case just find the UltraWebGrid.
16 var oGrid =
17 mainWindow.igtbl_getGridById('UltraWebGrid1');
18 // Use the API of the grd to manipulate it.
20 //For example /
21 //get the active cell of ghe grid, then set value.
22 oGrid.getActiveCell().setValue("your new value");
24 }
25 </script>
Hello, Sure ,I'm be able to manipulate the webgrid of the "opener" window, but, In this case, I don't know how change cell value in " dynamic mode ". So , I need to get cell active in my "opener" window and change the value. Thanks .