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Prism RegionManager does not contain regions when regions are inside xamWebTileView


I'm using the 9.2.20092.2014 version of the xamWebTileView.

In my shell.xaml I have a region inside a xamWebTileView like this :

        <igTileView:XamWebTileView RowsInPage="2"


            <igTileView:TilePane Header="Sales By Department/Category/Vendor">

                        <ContentControl x:Name="SalesRegion"

                                      Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="SalesRegion" />




When I run the application, in the module definition when I am trying to inject a view into the region, the region manager does not contain the region.

IRegion detailsRegion = this.regionManager.Regions["SalesRegion"];

Results in exception : The region manager does not contain the SalesRegion region.

If the region is not contained in a xamWebTileView then the region is contained in the region manager.

This is a pain because I can't use view injection when the region is inside a xamWebTileView.  Any ideas? am i doing something wrong or is something missing from the xamWebTileView that needs fixing for it to be compatible with Prism's RegionManager?

