When I resize the window, all the chart elements were resized, but the legend items and the y-axis labels does not change their size (the font-size). Is there a way to make the chart gets resized uniformly?
The X-Axis labels size is changed but not the y-axis and legend items font size.
Thank you, the Viewbox tip helped.
also see: https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/retired-products-and-controls/35824/xamwebchart/209374#209374
If you want the chart to resize uniformly almost as if it were an image of a chart, you could experiment with using something like the ViewBox control from the Silverlight Toolkit. Or you could apply a render transform to the chart. Also, as you can adjust the font sizes used in the chart, you could try and scale these values as the available area changes yourself.