I would love to be able to use the masked editor for entry of an IP address. I set the mask to "999\.999\.999\.999". That requires the user to enter all three digits in order to work which does not make for a good user experience. I found an example for WPF, but it did not seem to work in Silverlight.
Has anyone found a way to make this work?
Hello Jim,
I'm not sure how you expect the control to work. The mask "#" is used when a numeric symbol is required. The mask "9" is used when the numeric symbol is optional (it's not required).
In your example the masked editor doesn't require entering any numbers, all numbers are optional.
About the navigation between the numeric sections, you can use the property - TabNavigationMode="NextSection". By default it is "NextControl". When you set TabNavigationMode="NextSection" and press the Tab, the caret will move to the next section.
Doychin Dochev
How do you want it to work? That is a very good question that I should have included. I want it to work like the IP address entry in the Windows Internet Properties. If the user types, when the user puts in the period, it should advance to the next octet. That might be asking too much.
Thank you for your response.