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UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport: empty Stream

Server Side Code: Visual RPG

button that calls export method is within AJAX: UpdatePanel

Getting a run-time error for an empty stream.  below is the code...could some explain...I see the grid (uwItem) & it is not empty so I am not certain what the issue is.





export_Click Access(*Public) Event(*This.export.Click)   

DclSrParm sender Type(*Object) 

 DclSrParm e Type(System.EventArgs)  

//Create workbook and worksheet object for Excel Workbook  

DclFld wbk Type(Infragistics.Excel.Workbook)  

DclFld wkst Type(Infragistics.Excel.WorkSheet)  

DclFld iRow Type(*Integer4 

DclFld iCell Type(*Integer4) Inz(0)  

DclFld theStream Type(System.IO.Stream)  

exp.ExportMode = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport.ExportMode.Custom

//*this.uwItem.ExportMode = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ExcelExport.ExportMode.Custom


wbk.ActiveWorksheet = wbk.Worksheets["Sheet1"] 


//wbk = exp.Export(uwItem,theStream)

wbk = exp.Export(uwItem) <~~uwItem is the grid within the update panel


//Write the in memory Workbook object to the Stream



If theStream <> *Nothing  

    DclFld strLen Type(*Integer4) Inz(Convert.ToInt32(theStream.Length)) <~~ Error occurs here stating that "theStream" is null


    DclArray byteArr Rank(1) Type(*Byte 


    //Create a Byte Array to contain the stream and send the exported sheet to the client





    //stores data from stream onto Buffer 





    //Frees the resources used



    //Clear the buffer

    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=ItemCrossReference.xls")









I'm At a loss


  • 25665
    Offline posted


    I followed the steps you suggested and was unable to reproduce the behavior you're describing.  I created a sample with a UltraWebGrid and UltraWebGridExcelExporter and a button inside an update panel. I set the update panel to have the button click trigger a post back and inside the button click exported the grid to an excel sheet. It performed as expected the grid was exported.

    I have attached the sample project I used to test this.  Please test this project on your PC; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this problem.

    If the project does not work correctly, this indicates either a problem possibly specific to your environment, or a difference in the DLL versions we are using.  My test was performed using version 11.1.20111.1006 in NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2011 Volume 1.

    If the project does show the product feature working correctly, this indicates a possible problem in the code of your application.  It will help if you can provide a small, isolated sample application that demonstrates the behavior you are seeing.

    Or, if this sample project is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back, or send a small sample project of your own if you have one.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.

    Mike P.
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.