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Memory leak

We are using the drag drop manager in some of our xaml view pages and believe there are memory leaks caused by the Infragistics drag drop framework.  We are using WinDbg to track the leak down.  Here is the output from WinDbg when inspecting the heap after the suspect page has closed:


0:031> !dumpheap -type Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.XamWebTileView

Address MT Size

07f1083c 0a27f510 136

07fe6aac 0a27f510 136

08092e70 0a27f510 136

081395f8 0a27f510 136

081fb45c 0a27f510 136

082cb060 0a27f510 136

total 6 objects


MT Count TotalSize Class Name

0a27f510 6 816 Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.XamWebTileView

Total 6 objects

0:031> !gcroot 082cb060

Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for

more info.

Scan Thread 0 OSTHread bf4

Scan Thread 14 OSTHread 670

Scan Thread 15 OSTHread 17d8

Scan Thread 16 OSTHread 1930

Scan Thread 17 OSTHread 1e08

Scan Thread 29 OSTHread 1324

DOMAIN(04FFE508):HANDLE(Pinned):16212f0:Root: 08dfd080(System.Object[])->



We are setting up the drag drop on the Loaded events of various elements in DataTemplates e.g:


private void ClassDataTemplateBorder_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)



as Border).Loaded -= ClassDataTemplateBorder_Loaded;


DragSource dragSource = new DragSource { IsDraggable = true };

dragSource.Drop -= DragSource_Drop;
dragSource.Drop += DragSource_Drop;
dragSource.DragStart -= DragSource_DragStart;
dragSource.DragStart += DragSource_DragStart;

DragDropManager.SetDragSource(sender as Border, dragSource);



Are there known memory leaks with either the Drag drop framework or XamWebTileView?

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