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Prism RegionManager does not contain regions when regions are inside XamWebOutlookBar


Not sure what is correct usage of the Prism RegionManager in XamWebOutlookBar.

Here is my XAML:

<igOB:XamWebOutlookBar >
            <DataTemplate  Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="ControlRegion">

code behind returns null



region = m_RegionManager.Regions["ControlRegion"];

Thank you,


  • 6475
    Suggested Answer

    Hi Dmitri,

    If I undestand you correctly, you're trying to use the XamWebOutlookBar as a Region container.

    The supported controls that you could use as regions in Prism are:

    -  ItemsControl and its derived controls (for example, ListBox);

    -  Selector and its derived controls (for example, TabControl);

     - ContentControl and its derived controls (for example, ScrollViewer)

    Unfortunatelly, that means you cannot use the XamWebOutlookBar as Region container out of the box, because it's derived from Control.

    In order to use it as a Region container you'll have to implement a Region Adapter for the corresponding type.

    This article might be helpfull on how to do that:


    Hope that helps,