To all Infragistics GURU.
I am new to infragistics. My requirement is to populate the UltraWebGrid(will call UWG) dynamically from database and then
edit it. The number and name of columns will be determined by database. I accomplished the data populating part without any
I am unfortable while editing the UVG. Firstly, I learnt about RowEditTemplete(from my wife) and implemented it. I have used
InitializeLayout event to populate the required controls dynamically for the RowEditTemplate. I have also two buttons "OK"
and "Cancel" inside it. The code is as follows :-
HtmlInputButton btnOK = new HtmlInputButton(); btnOK.ID = "igtbl_reOKBtn"; btnOK.Value = "OK"; btnOK.Attributes.Add("type","button"); btnOK.Attributes.Add("onclick","igtbl_gRowEditButtonClick(event)");
HtmlInputButton btnCancel = new HtmlInputButton(); btnCancel.ID = "igtbl_reCancelBtn"; btnCancel.Value = "Cancel"; btnCancel.Attributes.Add("type", "button"); btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "igtbl_gRowEditButtonClick(event)"); I also wrote the following function in the javascript
function grdTrade_AfterRowTemplateCloseHandler(gridName, rowId, bSaveChanges){ var row = igtbl_getRowById(rowId); if(bSaveChanges) { row.processUpdateRow(); }} This event fires as soon as I double-click on a row, whereas the name suggests otherwise.
When I doubleclick on any row on the UWG, RowEditTemplate opens up. I can very well change the data and clicking anywhere
else updates the new data inside the UWG(without posting to the server). Till this point, its fine but my problem starts when
I click on some other row, the corresponding server-side events get fired, which is weird.
protected void grdTrade_UpdateRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e) { }
Can someone tell me keeping my scenario in mind, what would be the ideal way to edit an UWG in a step-by-step manner.Thanks for reading my post. Please ask me questions.