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Binding the value for a fixed datapoint

I have a pie chart with two fixed datapoints but am unable to bind the value to a property in a viewmodel.

for example:


    <igChart:DataPoint Value="{Binding TestValue}" Fill="{StaticResource DeepGreenGradient}" Label="Test" x:Name="Test"/>


  • 27093
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Scott,

    This is the expected behavior since the DataPoint doens't derive from the FrameWorkElement class and can't access the DataContext. What you can do is put the values in a ObservableColleciton and bind the collection to the Series' DataSource property and let the DataMapping do the rest.

    Please let me know if this suits your scenario and if you require any further assistance on the matter.


    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics Bulgaria