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Create Data template column at run time


I saw this Xaml code in this forum:

<igGrid:XamWebGrid Name="xamWebGrid1">
                <igGrid:TextColumn Key="Value1">
                            <TextBlock Text="1Some looooong text
      that should be split in multiline "
      TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="120"/>
                <igGrid:TextColumn Key="SomeLongPropertyNameThatWillBeWrappedInTheGridHeader">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"
      TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="120"/>



I would like to convert to C# but I don't know how I can add/insert a datatemplate to hold the textblock.

xamWebGrid1.Columns.Add(new TextColumn()
                                    Key = "Value1",
                                    HeaderText = "SomeLongPropertyNameThatWillBeWrappedInTheGridHeader",
                                    Width = new ColumnWidth(85, false),
                                    IsReadOnly = false,

Can anyone help?  Thanks!

  • 6759
    Offline posted

    Hi tangolp,

    You can set the HeaderTemplate for the TextColumn by using HeaderTemplate property of the TextColumn. So the code should look something like this:

    amWebGrid1.Columns.Add(new TextColumn()
                                        Key = "Value1",
                                        HeaderText = "SomeLongPropertyNameThatWillBeWrappedInTheGridHeader",
                                        Width = new ColumnWidth(85, false),
                                        IsReadOnly = false,
                                        HeaderTemplate = YourDataTemplate

    For the data template you have few options:

    • define DataTemplates that you are going to use in the resources of your page and access them at run time ( page.Resources[object key])
    • you could create the data template at runtime - check out this link for more details 
    • you can find another way to create your data template by checking out this thread 


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