How to add the items in the Quick Access Toolbar as I have tried with the below code but I am not able to achieve the results.
<igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar> <igRibbon:QuickAccessToolbar> <igRibbon:QatPlaceholderTool TargetId="tbtool1"/> <igRibbon:QatPlaceholderTool TargetId="Tab1_Group1" TargetType="RibbonGroup"/> </igRibbon:QuickAccessToolbar> </igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar>
The above code is working but we have to add two more attributes
<igRibbon:XamWebRibbon x:Name="xamWebRibbon"> <igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.ToolsNotInRibbon> <igRibbon:ButtonTool Caption="Save" IsQatCommonTool="True" SmallImage="Images/saveQAT.png"/> </igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.ToolsNotInRibbon>
Again, if I need the Icons to be fixed whenever I build the project its not happening.
Everytime I have to click on the downarrow and need to select the icons whichever to be placed in the QAT.
Thanks for the Proposed Answer.
Hi, the tools not in ribbon collection should be a direct child of the ribbon, for example:
<igr:XamWebRibbon x:Name="xamWebRibbon1"">
<igr:ButtonTool Caption="Button" />
Give that a try and let me know if it helps.
As the QAT starts with the <igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar>, I am not able to get the <igRibbon:XamWebRibbon.ToolsNotInRibbon>
How shall I proceed with this.
I have attached the screen also for your reference
The tool that you're placing in the quick access toolbar has to exist in the ribbon for it to appear in the QAT. The code you have presented looks syntactically correct so the next step would be to ensure that "tbtool1" exist either in a groups tools collection, or in the ribbons 'toolsNotInRibbon" collection:
<igr:ButtonTool Id="tbtool1"/>
Let me know if that helps, or if I was unclear.