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smartrefresh doesnot work


 I try to run the follow the example (in ..\NetAdvantage for JSF\documentation\tutorials\Grid). I run it on. But in webpage. The smartrefresh does not work. I try another example about web input, the smart refresh also not work.

For, example I create button. When the button is click, it should refresh grid data and label name. An another example is hierarchical grid. When I try to expand the row details.

It just blink. But shows nothing.

On the server log... it state :

 expand event

INFRAGISTICS: Start rendering a SmartRefresh request 

 But the webpage shows nothing.


Could you please tell me what is the problem. I develop using netbeans 6, server is SJAS, and browser is firefox and ie.

 Hope to see your response soon.



  • 24671



    Do you get any errors in the "error console" in Firefox, for example? Also, have you tried to run a JSP page that is manually created (not using the  NetBeans design time) ? Thanks very much for the feedback.


  • 95



    This stuff works so maybe there's something in your code that's not correct? Can't really help you debug with out the source code. Maybe you should contact dev support at Infragistics?