I am currently developing with you Silverlight 3 Controls and I was wondering how to databind a tree programatically... I have built a TreeNode Class that inherits from DependencyObject and has Children that are ObservableCollections.
Can I programmatically set my collection to the data context of a xamWebTree object and have it create a hierarchy tree with the ability to create as many sub levels as the object holds? I would rather do it programmatically instead of xaml, because in some cases, may have 1 tier of children, but in others I may have 3...
Something I was trying:
ObservableCollection<TreeViewNode> nodes = GetTreeViewData();
XamWebTree xamWebTree = new XamWebTree();
xamWebTree.DataContext = nodes;Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.HierarchicalDataTemplate ht = new Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.HierarchicalDataTemplate();ht.ItemsSource = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("ItemName");xamWebTree.HierarchicalItemTemplate = ht;
I built a xaml template that holds the max possibility of children that I will need.
Then I set the ItemSource of my XamTree to this collection and with my Binding values set in my templates everything works perfectly. Since I will have a max of 3 Tiers of children, my template is built for that. With the object that I bind to, if it only has 2 Tiers, then it still will work, it just ignores the 3rd Tier since its null.
Setting Item Source:
ObservableCollection<TreeViewNode> nodes = provider.GetTreeViewData();xamTree.ItemSource = nodes;
My Templates:
<igTree:XamTree ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Nodes}" Margin="0,0" Padding="0,0" BorderBrush="#FF96B3DD" Background="#FFFFFFFF" > <igTree:XamTree.HierarchicalItemTemplate> <ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Children}" > <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" /> <HyperlinkButton Content='{Binding ItemName}' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Top' Command="{Binding PostbackCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding GUID}" Margin="2,0" Foreground="Black" IsTabStop="False"> </HyperlinkButton> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> <ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate.HierarchicalItemTemplate> <ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Children}"> <!-- Second Level --> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" /> <HyperlinkButton Content='{Binding ItemName}' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Top' Command="{Binding PostbackCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding GUID}" Margin="2,0" Foreground="Black" IsTabStop="False"> </HyperlinkButton> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> <ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate.HierarchicalItemTemplate> <ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Children}"> <!-- Third Level --> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" /> <HyperlinkButton Content='{Binding ItemName}' HorizontalAlignment='Left' VerticalAlignment='Top' Command="{Binding PostbackCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding GUID}" Margin="2,0" Foreground="Black" IsTabStop="False"> </HyperlinkButton> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> </ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate> </ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate.HierarchicalItemTemplate> </ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate> </ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate.HierarchicalItemTemplate> </ig:HierarchicalDataTemplate> </igTree:XamTree.HierarchicalItemTemplate></igTree:XamTree>