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Set Selected Group in XAML

I was wondering if there was a way to set the selected group in XAML by binding a value to the property?

The reason why I ask, is after I rebind, using two way binding, the selected group gets changed to nothing. At this point I only have one group. So I rebind and the content goes away for the group. If I click on the group button however, the content returns into view, the group just needed to be reselected. Maybe I just did something wrong while binding? I just want to make sure the selected group state stays persitant after the rebinding...



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  • 3071

    The content disappears because there is no selected group in the OutlookBar.
    The OutlookBar displays the content of selected group. The IsSelected property changes when you click on the group and the content appears.
    This sample demonstrates how you can use two way binding,
    <CheckBox x:Name="chkSelect" Content="Select" Grid.Column="1"/>
    ig:XamOutlookBar DataContext="true">
      <ig:OutlookBarGroup Header="1"/>
      <ig:OutlookBarGroup Header="2" IsSelected="{Binding}"/>
      <ig:OutlookBarGroup Header="3"
    ="{Binding ElementName=chkSelect, Path=IsChecked, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
    but probably your scenario is different. Could you give us more details?

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