I want to have a stackpanel where I can drop items to that has a big blank space with "Drop here" in it. When I use a stackpanel, I cannot drop to it since there are no items in it. I want to add items to the stackpanel as I drop. The best I can do is as follows, but the problem is I must drop onto the textbox for it to pick it up, and then it adds my dropped items after that textbox. What am I doing wrong?
<StackPanel Height="400" Name="DropHere" x:FieldModifier="public" Grid.Column="1">
<TextBox Text="Drop Here" Grid.Column="1"/>
<ig:DropTarget IsDropTarget="True" DropChannels="ChannelColumns"/>
Use this as your layout root element:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<Grid x:Name="gridWithDropTarget" Background="Beige">
<ddm:DropTarget IsDropTarget="True"/>
<Grid Grid.Column="1">
<Rectangle Width="100" Height="100" Fill="SteelBlue">
<ddm:DragSource IsDraggable="True"
Note that you need some background to be set for the grid, otherwise mouse events are missing. That’s way you maybe couldn’t make it work.
And the code behind:
private void DragSource_Drop(object sender, DropEventArgs e)
Grid grid = e.DropTarget as Grid;
if (grid != null)
StackPanel panel = (StackPanel)grid.Children[0];
panel.Children.Add(new Button { Content = "Dropped Element" });
I believe that will work for you.
Im sorry I dont follow what exactly you meant, attach what to the grid? Drop targets cannot be attached... the stackpanel I have tried dropping to a grid with no luck, do you have a snippet by chance?
You can try to wrap your StackPanel with Grid and attach the DropTaget to it. The grid will cover the whole empty area so you can drop within easily. Then add you elements to your stack panel.