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xamMap and SQL server geo data fails with certain regional settings

We are currently evaluating the suit of data visualization tools for Silverlight. It was specifically the pivotgrid that draw our attention to these components. During evaluation we also came across the xamMap control, wich can be of valuable help to us since all our data are georeferenced.

However, during testing of the xamMap we came across an issue that appears to be related to the regional settings for our location - namely Norway. We have the decimal point character eaual to , (a comma). This setting seems to make xamMap fail when reading data from SQL server with the geometry in WKT format.

The xamMap example at fails to display the map, and our own test application fails with an error message complaining about the numeric format for the geometry elements. When we change the regional settings on the client to use the . as decimal separator then both the online example and our own test app works.

If all of our clients would have to change their regional settings this way then the xamMap would actually be rendered useless with respect to the app we are preparing to develop.  Is there a settings of one of the xamMap components that can remedy this problem, or is there another way to solve this issue. We have not been able to figure out a solution.