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LoadOnDeman.Xml & Browser.Xml not firing CRUD events

Hi Folks -

When coding a composit control where it contain a UltraWebGrid as child control I have set some of its properties to be Xml so the ajax feature is anabled. CRUD events of the grid are not fired.

Here are some of the control settings:

MyGrid.Browser = BrowserLevel.Xml;
MyGrid.LoadOnDemand = LoadOnDemand.Xml;
MyGrid.DisplayLayout.ViewType = ViewType.Flat;
MyGrid.DisplayLayout.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

Grid CRUD events were attached at different places of the control life-cycle but none make difference:
- CreateChildControl,
- OnInit
- OnLoad

I'm using a ObjectDataSource to bind the data into grid.

Is there any additional property of the control that must be set to make it work?

Notice the set of events I'm attaching:

private void AttachMyGridEventHandlers()
 MyGrid.AddRow += new AddRowEventHandler(MyGrid_AddRow);
 MyGrid.DeleteRow += new DeleteRowEventHandler(MyGrid_DeleteRow);
 MyGrid.UpdateRow += new UpdateRowEventHandler(MyGrid_UpdateRow);
 MyGrid.InitializeDataSource += new InitializeDataSourceEventHandler(MyGrid_InitializeDataSource);
 MyGrid.InitializeRow += new InitializeRowEventHandler(MyGrid_InitializeRow);
 MyGrid.InitializeLayout += new InitializeLayoutEventHandler(MyGrid_InitializeLayout);

Events like InitializeDataSource, IntializeRow, InitializeLayout get fired but not others.

Thanks for your help.

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