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Change size of box that displays cell content on mouse over event

The default behavior of the Ultrawebgrid is to display the content of a cell when you hover the mouse over a cell (and the content is bigger than can be viewed in the cell).  However, the current size of the popup display is still not big enough to display all the content of several cells in the current application.  How can I change (increase) the size of the popup display?

  • 5118


    The UltraWebGrid's DisplayLayout.CellTitleModeDefault property determines how the Title attribute is is generated.  It will default to OnOverflow if not set.  The other options are Always and Never. also explains a bit about this setting.

    So, the browser is responsible for showing the title attribute at that point and you would be manipulating the TD's title/mouseover handler to achieve the results you are after.  What are you showing that exceeds the viewable popup the browser creates for the title?

    You might be better off in this scenario to handle the ClientEvent of MouseOverHandler and showing your own div with the content of your choosing.  Then handle the MouseOutHandler and hide the div.