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drag and drop from DataSelector


I'd like to ask if it is possible to drag measures/dimensions from the dataselector and drop it to some other controls in my application? Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can't drop anything dragged from the dataselector even if I set the allowdrop of the target and handle the drop event.

Thanks and best regards,

  • 8831
    Verified Answer

    Hello Tamas,

    At this moment drag-drop is encapsulated into control only. It’s possible to extend its drag-drop but you have to re-template some of the parts of both XamPivotGrid and XamPivotDataSelector. I’m going to attach here these two files:

    1.       App.xaml – contains the re-templated XamPivotDataSelector with additional DropTriggerActionEx instances attached.

    2.       DropTriggerActionEx.cs – contains the implementation of custom drop handler.


    And here is how you’ll use it in your application:

    Apply to selector the style from App.xaml:


    <PivotGrid:XamPivotDataSelector Grid.Column="1"


    DataSource="{StaticResource flatDataSource}"

    Style="{StaticResource XamPivotDataSelectorStyle}"/>


    Set some element as drop target. Note that when drop event handler is invoked drop target is checked by its name.

    <StackPanel Name="externalDropTarget"

                Background="LightBlue" Height="40">


            <ig:DropTarget IsDropTarget="True"

                           DropChannels="Rows, Columns, Filters, MeasureList, Measures"





    Also note that this will work only for drag-drop initiated from the data selector. In order to make this possible from pivot grid you have to re-template it as well and attach the additional DropTriggerActionEx to its elements in similar way as I’ve done for the data selector.



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