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Cascading XamComboEditors in XamGrid (with RIA Services)

I'd like to share a useful sample demonstrating XamComboEditors used as cascading filters in a XamGrid in Silverlight 4.  The sample was created for a customer by our Developer Support team (kudos primarily to Jason D).  The sample is in VB.NET as per the customer's specs, so I hope to have a C# version at a later date.

The sample uses RIA services to provide server-side data access; and in this case the data is coming from a code class in the web project itself, not from an external source, so you should be able to run this sample stand-alone.  To do this, the DomainService class returns IQueryable objects based on the ObservableCollections provided by the Data Model.

The XamGrid has related Country, State, and City columns.  Selecting a Country causes the State drop-down items to be filtered by Country, and so on.

I hope this sample is a useful guide. Again, I hope to have a C# version soon.  Please feel free to post any comments, questions and improvements.
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