Has there been any movement on the feature request made last January (http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/t/37366.aspx) to be able to reference the calling cell of a user defined function?
I'm trying to implement a SumIfs user defined function; this passes a range as one of the arguments, and since the function has no idea which worksheet the range is referencing if the user does not include it, I have no way to implement this UDF. The desired behavior is that when the user includes a range (i.e. SumIfs("A1:A20", ...), that the WorksheetRange object I construct from this string would default to the worksheet containing the cell which is calling the UDF.
Is there any way you can think of that I can accomplish this with the current build? (specifically, given a string containing a range, construct a WorksheetRange object that contains that range in the worksheet that's calling the UDF).
The feature request you are refering to has no further information at this time. The feature requests are designed to send out automatic email notifications when it's implemented.
Thank you,