Hi - I read about getting a combo box inside a ribbon bar and that it is possible. However, the topic was a bit outdated.
Can you provide me with sample code for the best way of doing this in version 10.3.
This should still work. I did get that same error message, though it ended up being because I made a mistake in my App.xaml and gave the wrong type (I wrote "local:XamComboEditorControl" rather than "local:XamComboEditorToolControl"). Once I fixed this, I was able to have the XamComboEditor show up the same.
I have attached a modified version of the sample that uses the XamComboEditor in addition to the ComboBox.
I am new to Infragistics. The code give in this thread works well if we want to include ComboBox but what if we want to include XamComboEditor control in Ribbon group? Any help would be greatly appreciated. When I try to do the same like how you implemented for ComboBox I get error
Failed to create a 'System.Type' from the text 'local:XamComboEditorToolControl'. I think its because GetTemplateChild is inherited by the System.Widnows.Controls and the xamcomboeditor control is not from that.
The information in the forum thread <https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/retired-products-and-controls/39619/dropdown-and-or-textbox/226863#226863> should still be relevant, though it needs just a few tweaks to namespaces and control names.
However, I have attached a sample that uses 10.3 and makes these fixes. I also turned the ItemsSource in to a DependencyProperty so it can be bound to data and exposed the DisplayMemberPath property as well.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns about this matter.