I bind the grid to a virtual collection and use the events "CurrentChanged" and "CurrentChanging" of the virtual collection. But the grid don`t fired these events when I change the current row selection. What must I do?
Hm, and is it so hard to implement this in your grid?
Your own collection support this events, but your grid don`t fired it. It is a little bit confused.
The XamGrid currently does not support the concept of "CurrentItem", so when you change the row selection, this information is not propagated to the VirtualCollection.
If you use a Selector control or a MS Grid control, those support "CurrentItem" and if you bind them to the VC, then the events will fire.
If you would like to work around this issue, you would need to hook up to the XamGrid's SelectedRowsCollectionChanged event and then use e.g. VirtualCollection's MoveCurrentToPosition method.