I use Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebTab.v4.3 version and in one proyect , for example the third tab´s controls have the ID "uwtGrupos__ctl0xx....." but with the same version of UltraWebTab in other project the third tab´s controls have the ID "uwtGrupos_ctl02......" ¿How is it possible?
Hey David,
This is an older version of NetAdvantage, but that should not matter. I believe this ctl00 syntax is directly related to asp.net in general. if a template container is not named(each of the tabs are template containers), the compiler will name it ctl0 ctl1 etc. for control 0 and control1 of the tab. I don't believe there is a way around this. With that being said, Im not sure why they would be named different because it should go 0,1,2 etc based on the child controls of the tab control which are the tabs. Do you have any hidden tabs in the other application? This could be causing that. Also, what are the id's of the first two tabs? Are they 0 and 1.
Please let me know.