I have a custom style for Marker in a scatterline chart.
How can i change the marker styles based on conditons in the c# file?
Hi Marisa,
Thanks.It works good..I did it by creating the marker in the code behind itself,instead of accessing the resource.
Hi shrutipatra,
You can change the marker style of your ScatterLine chart in C# by setting the MarkerType on your series to Custom, and then setting the Marker.Style property to the custom style you created. Here's an example of what I did:
Here's my custom Marker in my UserControl resources:
<Style TargetType="igChart:MarkerPointTemplate" x:Name="MarkerStyle">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="igChart:MarkerPointTemplate">
<Path Fill="Green" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Magenta" Data="M157,234 L172.5,190.5 182.5,232.5 147.5,207.5 193.5,205.5 z"/>
Here is the code I perform on a button click to set my ScatterLine series marker to my custom marker:
private void btnSetMarkerStyle_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Marker m = new Marker(); m.Type = MarkerType.Custom; this.Chart1.Series[0].Marker = m; this.Chart1.Series[0].Marker.Style = this.Resources["MarkerStyle"] as Style; }
Hope this helps!