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Styling like the AVEE demo

I'm trying to style my tiles very much like the AVEE demo where there is no header visible, but i'm having a heck of a time reverse engineering it from the sample. The documentation doesn't have much in the way of removing the header via styles... any other pointers?

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  • 115

    Hey AC,

    To remove the header, you'll have to modify or create a custom TilePane style.

    In the TilePane ControlTemplate, there is a ContentPresenter x:Name="headerContentPresenter". This is the header text and you cannot completely remove the code so you'll have to set its Visibility="Collapsed" or Opacity="0". There is also a parent container of the header that you will want to remove all properties from, it is the <Border> that looks like this:

    <Border Background="{StaticResource TilePaneFillKey}" Cursor="Hand" CornerRadius="3,3,0,0">

    If you gave your TilePane style an x:Key, then you can apply this custom style with the TilePaneContainerStyle on the XamTileView control or with the Style property on the TilePane control.

    Let me know if this helps or if you would like more assistance.


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