I have a page with a grid, and paging is enabled. When clicking on any of the paging controls for the grid it makes the call back to the server (the wait circle comes up and goes away) but doesn't change the page. This has been working for years, and no code has changed. When debugging on my machine the init data source happens along with the InitializeRow, and it appears to fetch the correct rows, but the grid does not update. It does not appear to be a problem with the browser, because I can hit a server that works and a server that doesn't from the same browser. It is currently using 9.1.20091.2087 but I have tried upgrading to every version up to 2010.3 and it behaves the same. Any ideas on how to figure out why this isn't working? Thanks.
Hello asanders0001 ,
Can you please upload a small isolated sample reproducing the issue?
Hope hearing from you.
It was the data in the dataset, I had some records that had '\0' in a char(1) column, and the grid paging would just not work with those records in the dataset. It would do the post back, but not update the grid after the response, it would just stay on the first page and not throw any errors.
Thank you for the update.
I am glad that you have succeeded to solve the issue.
I didn't test that, I just fixed the bug, so the null characters weren't being inserted into the db.
Were you able to solve the issue by setting datatype and AllowNull properties_
I'm guessing it is because the column definition we have is like this, missing the datatype and AllowNull:
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="C/D" Key="C/D" Width="40">
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></CellStyle>
<Header Caption="C/D">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="9" />
Hello asanders0001,
Thank you for tha clarification.
As you have null values ('\0') in the column I used the following declaration ot the column :
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="CharColumn" DataType="System.Char" AllowUpdate="Yes"
IsBound="false" AllowNull="true" >
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2"></RowLayoutColumnInfo>
DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Char");
column.ColumnName = "CharColumn";
column.AutoIncrement = false;
column.Caption = "CharColumn";
column.ReadOnly = false;
column.Unique = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
row = table.NewRow();
row["RowNum"] = i;
row["DisplayValue"] = "DisplayValue " + i;
row["CharColumn"] = '\0';
And I was not able to reproduce the issue.
Can you please modify my sample code in order to encounter the behavior?