i am using silverlight infragistics grid.
1. I have column A and column b which is bound column.
2. I have added column c = column b + column A whcih is unbound column,
3. It displays the data, when i do a cell edit and when i exit the cell of Column A or column B it does not change the data in column C ; where as when i go to the same cell changes reflected in column c, any idea how to make it reflect when we exit the cell,
4. do i need create a custom summary class for summarizing column c, or is it a inbuilt function.
I don't think summaries are what you're looking for as they display for the entire collection, not a particular row.
What you need to do is call the Refresh() method on the cell for the UnboundColumn that should be updated.
ex: row["UnboundColKey"].Refrresh()
i have attached my file.
1. I tried addign it, but summary is not reflected, w
2. When i added the "<ig:UnboundColumn.SummaryColumnSettings>" it throw the error.
3. Unbound column is not calculatign when i exit the cell of column A and Column b.
for eg. i go to column b and edit the data, the same is not reflected in the calculated when i go and edit the other cell and comes back again it is getting reflected. Very urgent, could you please help me.
In order to have summaries on UnboundColumn you need to create a custom summary operand.
You can check this blog post by Devin Rader - Creating Custom Summery Operands.