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Sorting don't apply at runtime.


I am saving last sorting applied of pivot grid in xml. I want to apply this sorting on users next login. Sorting is saved properly but I was unable to apply this sorting at runtime. I refer the pivot grid documentation for sorting and trying exactly same thing but that is not working. My code snippet is as follow:

 ISortableOlapDatasource sortDesriptorColl = (MyDashboard.pivotGrid.DataSource as ISortableOlapDatasource);



foreach (ITuple tuple in MyDashboard.pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.ColumnAxis.Tuples) {



if (sortedColumnUniqueName == tuple.Members[0].UniqueName){



if (sortedItem != null && sortedItem.HasValue) {



if (sortDesriptorColl != null) {

sortDesriptorColl.SortDescriptors.Add(new KeyValuePair<ITuple, SortDirection>(MyDashboard.pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.RowAxis.Tuples[0], sortedItem.Value.SortDirection));}}}}

This code run without any error but sorting didn't apply. If I expand the hierarchy of sorted column then it will apply automatically.