We are using Infragistics UltraWebGrid (v9.1). The grid is enabled for On Demand Loading with LoadOnDemand set to "XML". Given below is the declaration of the grid:
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="consumptionWebGrid" runat="server" Browser="Xml" Height="294px" EnableAppStyling="True" Width="340px" OnInitializeDataSource="consumptionWebGrid_InitializeDataSource" <DisplayLayout CompactRendering="False" RowHeightDefault="20px" Version="4.00" ViewType="Hierarchical" XmlLoadOnDemandType="Synchronous" RowsRange="30" BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" LoadOnDemand="Xml" Name="consumptionWebGrid"> <FrameStyle BorderWidth="1px" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Verdana" Width="360px" BorderStyle="Solid" Height="294px"> </FrameStyle> </DisplayLayout> <Bands> <igtbl:UltraGridBand ColFootersVisible="yes" ColHeadersVisible="yes"> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> <igtbl:UltraGridBand ColFootersVisible="yes" ColHeadersVisible="yes"> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> </Bands> </igtbl:UltraWebGrid>
We have handled the InitializeDataSource event properly as well. One of the cells in the grid is editable where the user is expected to enter the data and click on a save button.
If we scroll on the grid, more rows are loaded which is expected. But the problem is even the grid has more than 30 rows (as specified in the RowsRange on the grid design), when we check the .Rows.Count property of the grid it still shows 30 only. Because of this problem if the user enters some data after the 30th row (after scrolling the grid), we are not able to determine what is been entered by him/her.
Please help us to resolve this problem ASAP.
Hello Ayan,
I know you probably already have resolved your issue however I will post my notes. What you describing is expected if you would like to keep track of already requested rows by the server you can try to set XmlLoadOnDemandType = Accumulative . This type is similar to Synchronous. The difference is that all rows that are fetched to the client are being preserved through out all full post backs. This mode allows having the logic dependent on interaction with the rows that are beyond the RowsRange reach. For example you can successfully get to a selected row even if it is number 51 where RowsRange is set to 50.
References :
Hope that helps.