When I try using XamGrid,I get this error
Method not found:"void System.Windows.FrameworkElement.add_Unloaded(System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler)
I get this with all silverlight 4 controls of Infragstics.
I am using VS2010 and have installed Infrastics silverlight 4 controls.
Are you sure you have Silverlight 4 installed? The unloaded event handler was added in SL4 and if the framework can't find it, I would guess it's because SL4 isn't installed.
I have Silverlight 4 installed and my project references the same.
When I try loading the XamGrid,It throws an error at Initialize component and give AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR ->System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
and there are no other details with it.