I want to bind single table to xamGrid but everytime I bind xamGrid always has the first column for childband drill down. How I disable this column in code. My code is below:
_eBiz4DSysContext.Load(_eBiz4DSysContext.GetSYS_MessageQuery()).Completed += (sender1, args) =>
var message = from p in _eBiz4DSysContext.SYS_Messages
where p.Code==1 || p.Code ==3
select p;
this.xamGrid1.ItemsSource = message;
this.dataGrid1.ItemsSource = message;
Set MaxDepth to zero is exactly what I need. :)
Thanks your help a lot.
If you just want to hide the ExpansionIndicatorColumn you can set the Visibility to Collapsed through the ExpansionIndicatorSettings like that:
... <ig:XamGrid.ExpansionIndicatorSettings> <ig:ExpansionIndicatorSettings Visibility="Collapsed" /> </ig:XamGrid.ExpansionIndicatorSettings> ...
Or, if you do not want the grid to auto-generate the hierarchy you can set the MaxDepth of the XamGrid to 0.
Hope this helps