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Conditional Format Style Scope Issue

I am currently using version 20103.2159 of the XamGrid and I am having issues with creating a Conditional Format Rule with a Style Scope of Row. If I set the Scope to Cell it will format the cell just fine but when I set the Scope to Row I don't get any change. The object I am binding to implements INotifyPropertyChanged. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? The XAML for my column is below.

P.S. There needs to be a better way to display code on this forum. Copying and pasting from Visual Studio makes for some ugly formatting.

<ig:TextColumn Key="State">


<ig:NotEqualToConditionalFormatRule StyleScope="Row" Value="Unchanged">


<Style TargetType="ig:ConditionalFormattingCellControl">

<Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />




