I have tested Reporting , for my company but i have tow scenarios that i cant do.
All Questions are refer to WPF
1 . It is possible to save an Report Layout . So that i can replace it such a txt File ? And can I load it in runtime ? Can you give me a sample how it works.
2 . It is possible to print a report direkt without a xamReportViewer
Hi Timo,
Please notice that right now printing is not supported, but it will be in the next product release.
Basically, you will have to create a viewer and add it to the visual tree in a hidden state (the viewer can be created programmatically or can be included directly in the XAML). Then you will need to set the appropriate viewer render settings, i.e. specify what report should be rendered and how. Finally, you will have a Print method available at the viewer that prints the report.
Hope this is clear enough. If you have any additional requirement, please let us know.
Thank you for your replay.
Can you explain me how i print wenn i set the xamreportviewer invisible ?
Thanks Timo
1) If I understand correctly, you want to be able to load a report definition directly from a file. If that is the case, currently we don’t support it but we will support it for V1.
2) Working client-side you will always need the XamReportViewer to print the report. However the viewer not necessarily must be visible to the user. So you will be able to print a report without explicitly displaying the viewer. Let me know if you need any other information.
Hope it helps.