Hi i read the documentation about CTP reporting but as i don't speak english well i couldn't understand thoroughly..
As the title says .. can i create a sub report in the main report ???
For expamle ..i'm printing the person's details. he can has more houses so more address. There is 2 table Person and Address.
I want to print person details and his adress on same page .. so i need a subreport , how can i do it??
Is possible to do what i asked ??
Currently, we don’t have support for subreports. If I understand correctly what you are trying to do could be done using report level groups and a table in the body to show the list of home addresses. The structure of the data you are trying to display is similar to an Invoice; take a look to the section “Creating an Invoice Report”.
Tell me if you need anything else.
Hi thanks for the answer, i solved following the “Creating an Invoice Report” part of documentation.
thanks a lot