In a Report i added some text with Wingdings font and for all the rest of text i used Verdana text .
The problem is when i print, pressing the "Export" button, the Wingdingscaracters are automatically converted to Verdana.
For example. In the report i used Wingdingsfont to write a square, the print preview is ok but when i export to PDF the suqare is sonverted to "q".
This is a known issue when exporting a report from Silverlight. In the Visual Studio preview or if you export the report from WPF it should work fine.
Are you doing the export from Silverlight?
This issue will be fixed for V1.
Hi yes i'm exporting from Silverlight.
Do you know another way create a square in the report??(as there is only HorizontalLine)
Well Verdana has its own square; you can use the Character Map to find it. It is not as pretty as the one in Wingdings font but may do the work. You can also use an image.
Hope it helps.
thanks for the answer .. i solver using the Verdana's square.
thanks again