I have set the height and width to Unit.Empty of the grid... and it works perfectly as required - with the grid not having any scrollbars and the page displaying the scrollbars and the grid height and width growing to whatever size required - so far beautiful.... The problem I am having - if at the first retrieval, I have 200 rows and at the second retrieval I have 3 rows - the grid does not resize... What key setting am I missing??? using 8.3 1009...
Hi cradhakr,
It has been some time since your post, however in case you still need assistance I am happy to help.
I assume that you are using client-side filterin in this situation. In order to "shrink" the grid container in this scenario you can use the following code in the AfterRowFilterApplied client-side handler:
function UltraWebGrid1_AfterRowFilterApplied(gridName, oColumn){ igtbl_getGridById(gridName).resize(0, 0);}
Please note that the UltraWebGrid control is now outdated and as of .NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 2 is no longer included in our product package. I would suggest that you consider switching to the WebDataGrid/WebHieararchicalDataGrid. More information regarding these controls is available at:
Additional samples demonstrating the features of these grids can be found at:http://samples.infragistics.com/aspnet/
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Petar IvanovDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.http://ko.infragistics.com/support