i have multiple xamGrids in multiple tabs of a tabcontrol.
i am updating the itemssource and hiding some columns.
my problems is that the columns are not hidden except for the active grid.
as for the itemssource, i want to update it multiple times. so i check if it is null, i initialize it, else i add to it.
the problem is that within the loop it's always returning null.
i tried onApplyTemplate(), InvalidateData(), UpdateLayout() but it's not working
any ideas?
If you're trying to modify AutoGenerated columns, they are only created once the xamGrid loads it's itemsSource which doesn't happen until it's loaded.
In a TabControl situation, any grid on an unselected tab will not be in the visual tree, and thus not loaded, so it's itemsSource won't be applied and thus no columns.
You should only apply changes to the xamGrid that is currently visible.
You can listen to the xamGrid's loaded event to know when columns will be set.