my company has infragistic Infragistics35 Version=8.3.20083.1009 and we think to buy infragistic 2011 asp.
i download Infragistics35.Web.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.1006, but i have problem with we WebDataMenu before using ultrawebmenu but change it.
I have a page that has
<iframe id="XML" frameborder="0" src="default.aspx" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="1200px" height="2000px" align="left"> <noframes> </noframes> </iframe>
show the pages where you select the menu
and c#
itemmenu = new Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.DataMenuItem(AdoData.ReadString(dt[i]["lblLanguage"]), AdoData.ReadString(dt[i]["mnuCode"]), "", "", ""); if (!AdoData.ReadString(dt[i]["mnuIconName"]).Equals("")) itemmenu.ImageUrl = HttpManager.printImg1(AdoData.ReadString(dt[i]["mnuIconName"])); itemmenu.Target = "XML"; itemmenu.NavigateUrl = SecurityCode.TranslateCodeToPage(SecurityCode.TranslateDBCodeToCode(AdoData.ReadString(dt[i]["secCode"])));
Chrome show me the page in iframe XML
IE 8.0 ERROR open another page.
FF 4.0 ERROR open another TAB
you can help me..?
Although the post is two months old, we have recently had the same problem for FF5 and FF6. Currently we are using the 11.1.20111.2036 release.
We solved the problem by adding the following script at the end of the page:
$IG.DataMenuItem.prototype._navigateOnClick=function(){ varurl=this.get_navigateUrl(); vartargetFrame=this.get_target(); if(targetFrame==null||targetFrame=="") targetFrame="_self"; //L.T.22/12/201060866ChangethelinksofWDMtohavehref=#insteadofjavascrip:void(0).ThiscausesproblemsonIE6. if(!$util.isNullOrUndefined(url)&&url!=""&&url!==document.URL+'#'&&url!="#"){ if(targetFrame=="_self") document.location.href=url; else document.getElementById(targetFrame).src=url; } }
If you have found a more elegant solution please let me know.