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XamGrid with Indexer properties

Is sorting with column headers (and moving columns around) supported with property indexers?

I tried but it did not work. Sort settings have been supplied during the definition of the

Im using template columns as well.

<igGrid:XamGrid Name='Root' AutoGenerateColumns='False' ItemsSource='{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=Coll}' 
  <igGrid:XamGrid.SortingSettings >
       <igGrid:SortingSettings AllowSorting='True' AllowMultipleColumnSorting='True' />
 </igGrid:XamGrid.SortingSettings >

 <igGrid:TemplateColumn IsSortable='True' HeaderText='abc' Key='[abc]'  >

Sorting on this column, however does not work.
  • 1670

    Hello abh1,

    If you are asking if column sorting and moving is supported for String Indexers in XamGrid, yes it is supported! Is it not working in your application? Which build number are you using? I have just checked it even with TemplateColumn and it works! If you could attach a sample it will be really helpful to identify the problem! Thanks in advance!

