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TextColumn.HeaderText Issues

we just converted our project from 10.3 to 11.1 versions of infragistics.

The XamGrid column headers are showing incorrectly... we explicitly set the HeaderText property to the header we want, but the actual header shown is the value of TextColumn.Key property..


How can this be resolved?

  • 760
    Verified Answer

    This is a non-issue, please delete this post, apologies for the error...  This feature works fine in 11.1

  • 5

    wanted to add some additional information about the sequence that we follow

    - create TextColumns and add them to the grid (setting HeaderText, ConditionalFormatCollection, FormatString etc)

    - Set ItemsSource property to a list of objects


    -HeaderText shown on the grid is the Key and not the text we used to set the HeaderTExt property explicityly

    -FormatString doesn't seem to get applied