Is databinding of the ScrollScale and ScrollPosition properties of the timeline axis supported? I am seeing strange behavior in my application where the ScrollScale binding seems to work, but ScrollPosition does only work intermittently, it just defaults to 0. Do these properties have to be set in a certain order? I set ScrollScale first and then ScrollPosition.
I am using the following XAML:
<ig:XamTimeline.Axis> <ig:DateTimeAxis ShowMajorGridLines="False" ShowMajorTickMarks="True" ShowMinorTickMarks="True" ScrollPosition="{Binding Path=ZoomPosition, Mode=TwoWay}" ScrollScale="{Binding Path=ZoomScale, Mode=TwoWay}" ThumbStyle="{StaticResource AxisThumbStyle}" /> </ig:XamTimeline.Axis> ZoomPosition and ZoomScale are of type "double".
It does appear that if ScrollPosition is set first the initial binding does not pick up the value until it is changed, however if ScrollPosition is set after ScrollScale then it picks up the ScrollPosition. I am going to have development take a look at this.
Your code looks right. This should work actually. Is it possible to send us a small sample, so we can investigate this asap?