Hi All,
I'm using Version 8.1 and trying to use UltraWebGrid to show some data in my web app. I'm having great deal of problems to auto Expand the groupped items. Please click here to see the screen shot.All I want is when user goes the page they see the records which are groupped and groups are expanded. I searched the forum for 2 days and still found nothing. Here's what I have tried, some sample code: Just so you know below codes don't do anything. It still shows the collapsed view.
Protected Sub UltraWebGrid1_InitializeGroupByRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles UltraWebGrid1.InitializeGroupByRowFor Each row As UltraGridRow In UltraWebGrid1.Rowsrow.Expand(True)NextUltraWebGrid1.ExpandAll(True)End Sub
Protected Sub UltraWebGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LayoutEventArgs) Handles UltraWebGrid1.InitializeLayoutUltraWebGrid1.Columns(1).IsGroupByColumn = TrueUltraWebGrid1.Columns(1).AllowGroupBy = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.AllowGroupBy.YesUltraWebGrid1.ExpandAll(True)End Sub
Please set the EXPANDED property in GROUPBYROW to true.I think this will work.
Hi Sai,
I got the solution to this problem but this is wat I have used
Protected Sub UltraWebGrid1_GroupColumn(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.ColumnEventArgs) Handles UltraWebGrid1.GroupColumn
FillAdapter("mystoredproc" & NZstr(StartDate.Value.ToString) & ", " & NZstr(EndDate.Value.ToString), SqlConnection1, DA, DS)
End Sub