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Neither RowSelectionChanged nor Selection.RowSelectionChanged is fired on PostBack

I can not make WebDataGrid to fire any of these events on PostBack.

Scenario is pretty simple.

In CreateChildControls I add UpdatePanel and add WebDataGrid into it


        UpdatePanel container = new UpdatePanel { ID = "c", ChildrenAsTriggers = true };

        this.grid1 = new WebDataGrid
            ID = "grid1",
            EnableAjax = false,
            EnableAjaxViewState = false,
            EnableViewState = false


        this.grid1.Behaviors.Add(new Selection
            RowSelectType = SelectType.Single,
            CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Row,
            Enabled = true
        this.grid1.RowSelectionChanged += grid1_RowSelectionChanged;
        this.grid1.Behaviors.Selection.RowSelectionChanged += Selection_RowSelectionChanged;
        this.grid1.Behaviors.Selection.AutoPostBackFlags.RowSelectionChanged = true;


Then I add columns manually and populate grid with my data (this.grid1.DataSource = ds; this.grid1.DataBind();). I tried to do this (add columns & DataBind) in Page_Load and in CreateChildControls methods and did not succseed in any of them?

Watching postback arguments I noticed changes and can determine row index from here(bold below)

grid1_clientState = [[null,[[[[[5]],[],null],[null,null],[null]],[[null,[],null],[{},[{}]],null],[[null,[],null],[{"1":[6,[{"index":1,"key":[1]}]]},

but I do not think it is the way it should work.

Can anyone suggest how WebDataGrid  should properly be populated with custom data to make at least one of RowSelectionChanged events fire?

Or what flags/options/settings are missing?

Version I'm using: 10.3 SR2120 for ASP.Net



I looked through these posts

and did not find anything helpful there unfortunately.