I am getting an error when I tried to edit a row from the Webdatagrid: "Sys_InvalidOperationException Handler was not added through the Sys.UIDomEvent.addHandler method."
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdDateProcess" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" CssClass="GridView" ItemCssClass="GridViewRow" OnRowAdded="grdDateProcess_RowAdded" OnRowAdding="grdDateProcess_RowAdding" OnRowUpdating="grdDateProcess_RowUpdating" DataKeyFields="ID" EnableAjax= "true" AltItemCssClass="GridViewRowAlternate"> <EditorProviders> <ig:DatePickerProvider ID="ApplicationDateProvider" EditorControl- CssClass="DateChooserTextBox"> </ig:DatePickerProvider> <ig:DropDownProvider ID="DateTypeProvider"> <EditorControl ID="ddlDateType" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDownList" TextField="DateTypeDesc"
ValueField="DateTypeID"> </EditorControl> </ig:DropDownProvider> </EditorProviders> <Behaviors> <ig:Sorting Enabled="true" /> <ig:ColumnMoving Enabled="true" /> <ig:ColumnResizing Enabled="true" /> <ig:Paging Enabled="true" PagerAppearance="Top" PageSize="15" PagerMode="NumericFirstLast"
QuickPages="3" PagerCssClass="PagerCell"/> <DFI_Behavior:HighlightBehavior/> <ig:Selection Enabled="true" SelectionClientEvents-RowSelectionChanged="grdDateProcess_RowSelectionChanged" RowSelectType="Single" CellClickAction="Row" />
<ig:EditingCore> <Behaviors> <ig:CellEditing Enabled="true"> <EditModeActions EnableF2="true" EnableOnActive="true" MouseClick="Single" /> <ColumnSettings> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ApplicationDate"
EditorID="ApplicationDateProvider" /> <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="DateTypeID" EditorID="DateTypeProvider" /> </ColumnSettings> </ig:CellEditing>Am I missing something? Thank you.
Hello Teresita,Please let me know if you need further assistance with this issue.
Hello Teresita, Thank you for contacting Infragistics support. I couldn’t produce a running sample from the code you send me. There are some directories containing files (controls and master pages) about which you havent mentioned. Also you have pointed that the issue occurs in event which content is completely using your own controls. In order to be able to provide suggestions please modify the sample I am attaching ( which is based on the code you send) to be runnable.
Looking forward to hear from you
Hi Nikifor!
We use: Win 7 (64 bit), IE 8, Visual Studio 2010, SQL 2008
My issues are mostly occurring in debug mode. Please see attached my list of issues. Thank you.
Hello Teresita,The attached sample was created under Win 7 (64 bit) and tested under IE 9 (both – compatibility and non compatibility mode). From the attached printscreen I see the exception occurs in IE – can you specify under what version? Have you tested if the issue remains in other browsers (Firefox or Chome). Also can you provide info about the environment you are using? Please note that if you are using unsupported version of a webbrowser or environment this may be the reason of the issue. For more info about supported environments please visit the following link - http://ko.infragistics.com/support/supported-environments.aspx#SupportedEnvironments and choose NetAdvantage for ASP .Net. Also can you mark if you have made any other changes to the attached sample except for changing the version from 11.1.20111.2036 to 11.1.20111.2020? If I understand correctly this issue occurs on back or exit button on your webbrowser.
I'm using version
Infragistics4.Web.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.2020.
I followed your code, but still getting a runtime error.