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Hide sibling columnlayout for selective rows


I have two sibling column layouts in my xamgrid. These 2 layouts are used alternatively and never together. Now my itemsource has 2 collections corresponding to the layouts and the correct collection is filled with data and the other is left empty. The empty sibling layout is not displayed when the addnewrow property is not set. If it is set, both siblings show up. How can I stop an sibling from showing up when its collection is empty? Or how can I set/unset the addnewrow property dynamically based on another property



  • 40030
    Offline posted


    You won't be able to turn on/off the add new row, on a child band level, only a ColumnLayout level. 

    Now, if you have an ItemsSource set, even if it's empty, the xamGrid will display the AddNewRow.

    However, one way around this would to have your ItemsSource property that you're bound to set to null, when you don't want to display the child band. That would stop the addNewRow from being displayed. 


  • 765

    Can someone help me out with his?